A blog about a soft- and polymer clay sculpting artist...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hello Caspah!

Hi to all my friends out there,

I would like to show you my newest creation called 'Caspah'.
Caspah is only 7 cm/ 2.8 inches tall. He is made for somebody who has a doggy just like him and wanted to have a mini version of him in my style.

Before I will show you the pictures I would like to ask you all to take some time to vote for the TED Worldwide Awards 2013.
Voting for the public price has started.
You can vote in all categories but if you'd like to vote for me 
and  you like my  'Zuri' and 'Momma' 
I would be thrilled and very grateful if you would vote for my creations.

Zuri is in Category 12 'The Zoo'
'Momma' in Category 7 'Design Variation Undressed'.  


Thank you :)

This is 'Caspah'




  1. So precious. And yes we will be voting for you. Of course.


  2. Hi Miss Mellisea,

    Yippee, we voted. I did the selecting and Mom watched to make sure I did it correctly.

    Now I am keeping my paws crossed for both creations to WIN first place.

    Prudence ♥
